MMCM – Mirihi’s Purchasing Maturity Model
Not knowing where you are as an organization from the point of view of the maturity of your Purchasing function is a first obstacle to being able to advance in its development and evolution. From Mirihi, through our MMCM (Mirihi Purchasing Maturity Model), we help organizations to know this starting point and draw up an action plan to reach a higher level of maturity, in line with the strategy and objectives of business.
Mirihi begins with this post a series of dissemination articles, in general, of the consulting and training actions that we can make available to companies and organizations, and in particular, of the most important methodologies and disciplines in the world of Purchasing.
Carrying out an initial diagnosis of the degree of maturity of the organization in the Purchasing function is crucial, based on this knowledge, to be able to design the most appropriate path, adapted to the organization itself, in improving the different elements that make up a function. Strategic and oriented to business objectives. Our Purchasing function maturity assessment tool revolves around nine axes:
- Senior Management Commitment
- Relationship with Internal Partners
- Category Management
- Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
- Organization, policies, processes and methodologies
- Contract management
- Strategic Sourcing
- Risk management
- Structure and Talent Management
MCMM, Mirihi’s Purchasing Maturity Model, is a powerful tool that will allow us to know the strength and impact of the Purchasing function, as well as the equipment, processes and technology involved in said function.